3 Dancers working towards Arangetram on July 19th, 2025, in Serbian Centre
3 Dancers working towards Arangetram on July 19th, 2025, in Serbian Centre
Mrs. Thuva Anputhasan is the founder of BharatamWin Dance Academy; she also a BharataNatyam dancer, teacher and choreographer, with a graduate degree in Finearts (B.A, specialized in Bharatanatyam) from the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
She became a professional dancer with great interest and inspiration from her childhood days. She learned the basics of Bharatanatyam from her elementary school days and completed graduate degree with special interest. She stood as one of the best students during her graduate years, gave many competitive performances and brought great recognition to her school and teachers as well.
Ms.Thuva also trained many students in her home country; most of them were involved in giving regular Bharatanatyam (artistic yoga) competitive performances. She has been continuing her great profession that she loves since she moved to Canada. This is her 19th year teaching Bharata-natyam in Wndsor. She is always blessed with all her lovely students in Windsor. Some of her students have successfully taken the Bharatanatyam grade examination, which conducted by Tamil Isai Kalaamanram of Ontario and achieved Distinction and nothing below that level.
Her first student appeared for the Bharatanatyam examination in the year 2008; interestingly she is also the first student who participated from Windsor and Essex County; followed by that more students participated and achieved Distinction. She trains all her students as per the syllabus required to appear for the Bharatanatyam examinations, she also motivate and encourage them to appear for the examination and demonstrate their talent by achieving a higher grade.
Along with that, they also get a variety of different stage performance opportunities every year to show their artistic skills. She teaches her students in a friendly atmosphere with great encouragement to enjoy the lessons. She would like to bring awareness about this beautiful nature of artistic yoga, so people can make themselves involve in and enjoy this wonderful skill as she does; at the same time it can help them to keep their mind and body healthy and fit. There are scientifically proven benefits associated with learning and practicing Bharatanatyam regularly. I will be happy to provide you with detailed information about these benefits, if interested
We hope to teach you a new awareness of your body, mind, and spirit. We also hope that you’ll gain the knowledge and the ability to push yourself to new limits in Bharata-natyam, Kathak and Yoga. We take a very balanced and open approach to physical fitness. You’ll find something that meets your needs and blends with your personality, hopes, and goals. And, if you just want a quick, fun class, we also offer classes as per your needs and availability; you can bring your friends and have a fun dance workout.
Basic moves of bollywood and bharatam dance at mixed level. You will learn about rhythm and the feeling of the music, tempo changes and the basic movements of the different styles. You will work individually, in pairs (leading and following) and as a whole group.
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